Order of Assembly Gatherings

Sunday @ 10:30 AM Lord’s Supper (Breaking of bread)
Following the teaching of the Lord and the examples of the early Christians, we meet on the first day of every week to remember the Lord Jesus Christ and His death for us.  For approximately the first hour of the meeting there is worship and congregational singing. Without pre-arrangement, the meeting is open for men in the church fellowship to stand and lead the congregation in praise and worship. The worship is followed by the taking of the bread and wine by members of the church. The Lord Jesus Himself instituted this practice in Luke 22:19, 20. The meeting usually concludes with one man sharing a short message from the Bible.

Sunday @ 6:30 pm    Gospel Service
The gospel we preach is that “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day”      1 Corinthians 15:3-4. The gospel meeting is opened with congregational singing and prayer. Two speakers then share the meeting. In this meeting, we emphasize the Bible’s call to repent from sin and personally accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Since this is an individual matter, no “altar calls” are ever held; personal conversation regarding this vital matter, however, is always available if desired.

Thursday @ 7:30 pm Prayer and Bible Study
The meeting is divided into two sections: the first for prayer by men of the assembly and the latter for systematic Bible study.  The purpose of the Bible study is to learn the truths of the Word of God and to gain instruction that will help us in our daily lives.